So many colors, so little time
One of the most expensive accessories are purses. It's pretty easy to find cheap ones, but it's also pretty easy to tell that they're cheap. I happened to be browsing around the Longchamp website recently, when I found a dirty little (affordable) secret. If you're looking for a small handbag, especially one from the popular Le Pliage line, then you can get it for much cheaper if you customize the bag on the longchamp website. It seems crazy that a customized bag would be less expensive, but it's true. You do have to follow some guidelines to make it cheaper, but I think it's worth it. Start off by following this link. Then, select handbag size 1. This bag is no smaller than the smallest Le Pliage non customized, it is just a different shape. Then, move on to step number 2 and select the short handles. These handles are cheaper than the long ones, and look slightly more proportional too. Step 3 is my favorite. I love the stripe down the middle that you can only get with the customized bag. Longchamp bags are so popular that the stripe allows you to be unique by adding own personal flavor and spicing it up with color combos. I have yet to purchase one of these bags because I can't decide which combination I like best. If you don't want the different colors, you can always pick the same color for both the main color and stripe. I also love that you get a choice of metallic accessories. Step 4 is adding your initials to the bag. I'm not a huge fan of having my initials on a big, and if this step is skipped, the entire handbag will cost only $90, and you got to add your own twist. I love it. I want it.
i just bought a longchamp bag, new and unused on ebay! only $45 which is super cheap too. but i love this idea where you can still get it from the store cheap. who knew?!