Bags can be extremely expensive, (especially the popular, irresistible designer ones) but are often worth the splurge because a good quality purse can remain by your side for years. On the other hand, if you're the type of person who tends to stain, lose, or overuse your belongings, spending your hard earned paycheck on one bag may not be the most sensible decision. This can bring forth a pretty serious dilemma, since bags are one of the few items thats price is actually reflected in its appearance. If a bag was cheap, it often looks cheap. This is not always the case, though, and luckily, a lot of trendy bag styles are replicated and sold at inexpensive stores.
Here are some great designer bags and similar, more affordable options...
Charlotte Russe, 22.50. |
these are all great picks! good job on finding the looks for less!